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Early Record!
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Class f/fl4-_ Book_£.l4.E-&
Early Records
Congregational Church,
East Hampton, (Chatham,) Conn, m
Records of Rev. John Norton.
Note.— The numerals enclosed in parenthesis thus (i) refer to the pages of the original record of the Diary of Mr.- Norton.
§OPY of the Record or Diary kept by the Rev. Mr. John Norton, Pastor of the East Hampton Congregational Church from 1748 to 1778. Made by Martin L. Roberts from the original manuscript now in possession of Edward E. Cornwell, M. D., 146 Herkimer street, Brooklyn, X. V. This Record was kept upon small sheets of writing paper sewed together and very closely written, and age and lack of care have rendered some portions of it nearly illegible. It covers the period from April 18, 1764, to March 24, 1772. The remaining records of his pastorate are supposed to have been destroyed when the house of his daughter Eunice was burued. Copied December, 1898.
April iS 1764
May |
7 |
June |
21 |
June |
27 |
Aug |
8 |
11 |
Oct |
10 |
Nov |
9 |
No\ |
15 |
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1 1 |
'3 |
January |
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31 |
Feb |
IT |
28 |
Record of Births A. D. 1764. Nathaniel son to Elijah & Hannah Cook was Born Nathaniel Keys & Mercy Keys Daughter was Born Israel & Susannah Deweys son Born John & Phebe Bates Daughter born Stephen & Thankful Aclys son was Born Thomas Cowdreys daughter Born Marcus & l'liebe Coles Daughter Born Robert Stiles son Nathan Born Man Woods Daughter born
Ebenezer and lluldah Hardings daughter Anna was liorn Mercy daughter to Lieut. Stephen Olmsted was Born
Reeds sun Horn
Caleb and Mary Johnsons son Born Elisha
Thomas Aclys child Born
Lemuel & Grace Shirtlief, daughter Lucy was Born
Nathan Rowleys son Lorn
Thomas 1 (oolittle
(3) Israel <.V Mary Whitcombs Daughter Mary Born Ruth Daughter to Elkanah & Ruth Sears born Sarah Clarks Daughter was Bom
April |
21 |
April |
25 |
29 |
Ma) |
7 |
29 |
July |
5 |
[765 Nathaniel & Sarah Doanes son was Horn Ambrose Niles son Horn Elihu " Barnabas & Anne Freemans Daughter Born
Elisabeth Cornwell Daughter to Elisha and Anne Cornwell
was Horn Sylvanus Freemans son Horn Othniel & Jerusha Brainerds son Born " Thomas Cowdreys Daughter Horn Thomas Conklins Daughter Born 7 " Nathaniel Motts Daughter Horn 11 " Jonathan Olmsted Gates sou to Nehemiah and Anne Gates was Horn
21 " Ephraim Norcot son to William and Bette Xorcot _• I " Isaac & Elisabeth Baileys Daughter Horn
August " Mary and Hannah the two Daughters of Stephen and Abigail
K nowlton were Horn 18 " Daniel & Bathsheba Hills Daughter was born
(4) " Mary Niles Daughter to Barnabas & Thank'l Niles was Horn " David --on in Bryan & Rebecca Parmelee was Horn
Mary Arnold Daughter to Gideon & Lucy Arnold Horn " Amos & Bethiah Deweys Son was Horn " Ezra Fuller son to John ..V Susanna Fuller was born
3 Freeman son to Moses and Susanna Freeman Horn Asa Tylers son Horn " Eliphaz & Esther Alvords Daughter was Horn Elizabeth " Elihu son to Ebenezer ..V Mary Hall was Horn " Joseph Smiths son Born 1700 Capt Abijah ..V Margaret Halls Daughter still Born
Calvin Hall son to Hamlin John Hall and Elisabeth Hall was bi ']'ii in " Jerusha daughter to Thomas & Mercy Shepard was born
22 Elvira daughter to James & Asenath Bill was born
Jeremiah Woods Daughter Horn
.i and Anne Bail nter was Horn
John & Desire Markhams Dau Abigail born Lucretia Daughter to John & Azubah Hinckly was born Thomas Acly Junr & Sarah Aclys Son I
10k Son to Zacheus & Mary Cook was born e Bailey Daughter to Jonathan & Patience Bailey born 1 >aniel and 1 \ ckall Child Born
Sarah Horn
Mane Eb I Daughter Horn
1 Born
Aug |
3" |
4 |
5 |
6 |
17 |
Octr |
7 |
Nov |
\. . |
22 |
Dec |
7 |
19 |
Jan |
2 |
Feb |
13 |
Mar |
9 |
i" |
22 |
April |
May |
12 |
June |
14 |
July |
14 |
A |
n, |
6 |
12 |
Sept |
29 |
Oct |
9 |
26 " |
Jan |
4 176 |
6 |
1766 Titus & Mercy Carriers Daughr Bom
Elijah & Hannah Conks Daughter Horn
John & Phebe bates Daughter born
Joseph &Lydia Caswells son Horn
James & Phillis Rich son Horn
Mane Robert Ov Ruhaniah Shattucks Daughter Mary Born
Mane John & Edey Nortons Daughter Dorinda Born
(b) I lea John & Sarah (.'lark Son Horn Marcus & Phebe Cole son still Born Nathl & Merry Keys child still Horn John Godfrey & Hannah Hopth son Horn Ebenezer & Huidah Hardings son Amos born Benjamin & Prudence Goffe son Born Barnabas & Anne Freemans Daughter Born Nathan Rowleys two Daughters Born Recompense & Dorothy Baileys son Born Thomas A: Thankful Hills son Born Thomas & Margaret Doolittle son John Horn Barnabas Niles son Salmon Horn Othniel Brainerds Daughter Born Jonathan Shirtliefs Daughter Sarah Born Samuel & Elisabeth Browns Daughter Mary Born Caleb & Mary Johnson son Born Sylvanus Freemans Daughter Born Isaac & Elisabeth Baileys son Born Samuel Hodges son Israel Born Israel lS; Mary Whitcombs son Born Jeremiah Woods child born Gideon & Lucy Arnolds son Born John Hills Daughter Born
.v Mary White Coles I >aur born Jabez lV .Mary Woods Daughter Mary Born Jonathan < Hmsted son to Lieut Stephen and Mercy Olmsted
(?) \nio, Deweys Daughter Born Stephen Knowltons son Born Joshua Darius (kites son to Stephen and and Esther (kites Born W'm Cornwell Goodrich son to Thomas and Esth<
was bom Joseph Freeman son to Mosi .una Freeman was born
Daniel & Esther Mackall Daughter Horn William Norcol son of Wm and Bette Bette Norcot Born Nathl & Agnis Mott son Horn 768 Ebenezer & Abigail Halls Daughter Horn Mary Purples son Horn Bryan and Rebekah Parmelee Daughter Horn
Jan 17 1768 Stephen & Thankful Aclys Dar Born
also Jared and Eunice Parmelees Daughter Born iS " Esther Alvord Daughter oi Eliphaz and Esther Alvord was
I '.urn
20 " Allen Hill son of Daniel Hill Junr and B
Feby 13 " Samuel & Sarah Woods daur Bom
14 " 1 emue! ■ irtlief son born
March 2 " David & I 1 son was born
(8) - " Moses & Elisabeth ( ooks son born
Nathaniel N iles son Born " Capt Abija rel Halls Daughter Born
" John «.v Desire Markhams Daughter Born " Tin 11 lild Born Jonathan
" Nathaniel & Elizabeth (larks Daughter Eunice Born
William & Elisabeth Whites child still born " Erastus Bill son of Janus anil Asenath Bill was horn " Lucretia Daughter toof Thomas and Mercy Sheperd was born " [saiah Cook son to Joshua and Mary Cook was Horn
Ruhamah Daughter to Joseph and Lydia Caswell was Born
Asriel sou to John \ Azubah Hinckley was Bom
James & Phillis Rich son Born " Andrew Fuller son to John and Susanna Fuller was Horn " Joshua Baileys son born Nathaniel
Cole son to Marcus \ Phebe Cole was Born
(9) Rachel Daughter to Elkanah and Ruth Sears was Horn " James Johnson Junr & Sarah Johnsons son Horn name An " John (dark 3d & Deborah Clark, son Horn " Elizabeth Sears Daughter to Ebenezer Sears Junr 8t Elisabeth
Lewis son of Nathan & Naomi Lewis was Horn
Daughter to Samuel and Thankful Ilill was I
Huldah Daughter to Ebenr & Huldah Harding was horn Jonathan Shirtli I- son Bom
" Hannah Daughter to Elijah & Hannah Cook Horn 1769 John & Phebe Bates Daughter was Horn " Lucinda Norton Daughter to John Junr \ Edey Norton was I li nn
17 Marianne Smith Daughter to Ralph and Hannah Smith was
26 ih Freeman Daughter of Sylvanus & Leah Freeman bora
Mar 11 Barnabas & Anm I reemans son Born
26 Enos Brown son to S >\ El B
April 5 " Nathll & Mercy Keys Daughter Born
18 " Elijah ( lark- son Horn
19 Isaai a Bette Baileys Daughter Born
9 |
25 |
April |
[6 |
April |
30 |
5 |
Maj |
22 |
July |
6 |
S |
July |
18 |
Aug |
2 |
13 |
Aug |
17 |
Sept |
5 |
6 |
7 |
9 |
19 |
2.) |
Oct |
4 |
7 |
Oct |
tg |
25 |
Novi |
1 >ec |
22 |
Jany |
Feby |
1 1 |
April |
22 |
May |
6 |
Nov |
IS |
Feb |
17 |
Mar |
10 |
Mar |
17 |
(10) B VPTISMS EAS1 I I AMI i<>\ A. 1 >. 1764 17(14 Nathaniel Cook son to Elijah & Hannah Cook was Baptised
[oshua Bailey & Anne Bailey son and Daughter to Joshua & Anne Bailey were Baptised " Nathan Stiles sun to Robert Stiles was Baptised & Anna Hard- ing Daughter to Ebenezer and Eiuldah Harding bap
1765 Mercy Olmsted Daughter to Stephen & Mercy Olmsted was Baptised
" Thomas Doolittle son of Thomas Doolittle was Bapti " Lucy Shirtlief Daughter to Lemuel and Grace Shirtlief was Baptised April 14 " Moses Rowley son to Nathan Rowley was Baptised — Mary Daughter to Israel Whitcomb ami Ruth Daughter to Elkanah & Ruth Sears were Baptised May 12 " Elisabeth Cornwell Daughter to Elisha and Anne Cornwell Baptd ig " Elisha Johnson son to Caleb and Mary Johnson Baptised June 23 " Anselm Brainerd son to Othniel & Jerusha Brainerd was Baptised
|ul\ 14 " Susanna Dewey was Baptised
" Elisha & Enos Dewey sons to Israel Dewey Junr & Susanna Dewey were Baptised and Mercy Wood Daughter to Susanna I >cwey 28 " Ephraim Norcot son to William & Bette Norcot was Baptised also Elihu Niles son to Ambrose ..V Hannah Niles was Baptised Any 4 " Jonathan Olmsted Gates son to Nehemiah & Anne Gates
Baptised Sept 15 Mary ^V Hannah Knowlton Daughters to Stephen & Abigal
Knowlton were B.aptised also Talitha Niles Daughter to Barnabas & Thankful Niles also Mary Arnold Daughter to Gideon & Lucy Arnold Baptised " Ezra Fuller son to John and Susanna Fuller was Baptised
David s.m to Bryant & Rebecca Parmelee was Baptised " Moses Freeman son to Moses and Susanna Freeman Baptised Elisabeth the daughter of Eliphaz & Esther Alvord Baptised
Elisha Hall son to Ebenezer and Mary Hall was baptised A. D. 17(10 Calvin son to Hamlin John and Elisabeth Hall was baptised & Elvira Bill Daughter to James eV Asenath Bill was Bapl i
1766 Timoth) and Marj and 1'hebe Brainerd were Baptised Mrs Alvords Children by her 1st husband
Jonathan & Noah Shirtlief sons to Jonathan & Abigail Shirt- lief were Baptised
22 |
Oct |
L3 |
Nov |
3 |
24 |
Dec |
S |
Feb |
23 |
Mar |
23 |
April |
27 |
May n 17M) ferusha Daughter to Thomas & Merc) Shepherd Abigail Daughter to |ohn & Desire Markham & Lucretia dr to John & Azubah i lim baptised
May 18 " Asa Cook son to Zacheus & Mary Cook was baptised also imas & Samuel White sons to Thomas White De- ed & Susanna White but now Dewey
25 " Samuel Sarah Nathaniel & Huldah Cowdrey sons and Daugh-
ters ol Thomas Cowdrey were baptised ami also Rhoda Bailey Daughter to Joshua & Ann Bailey was Baptised
July 27 " Bathsheba Hill. Daniel Hill Junr's wife was Baptised & Patience Bailey Daughter to Jonathan and patience TIailey
Sept 28 " Sarah Daughter to Nathl & Sarah Doane Baptis
" Mare Daughter to I lijah & Hannah Cook Baptised
\,,\ 23 " Mai er to Robert & Ruhamah Shattuck baptised &
Dorinda Dar to John & Ede) Norton Baptised
(let •• Daniel son to Daniel llill Jun and Bathsheba Hill and Elisa-
beth their I laughter were Baptised
No\ 30 " Moses -on to Dea John & Sarah Clark was Baptised
March 8 1707 Thomas and Margaret Doolittles son John Baptised
22 " Amos Harding son to Ebenr & Huldah Harding Baptised also Salmon Niles son to Barnabas Miles
April 12 '" Sarah Daughter to Jonathan Shirtlief Baptised
20 '" HannahS Mary Rowley Daughters to Nathan Rowley were Baptis< d
May 3 " Abigail Brainerd Daughter to Othniel and Jerusha Brainerd was Baptised 10 " Israel Hodge son to Samuel Hodge Baptisedand Mary Brown I laughter of Samuel Eli beth Brown
June 21 " Israel Whitcomb son to I & Mary Whitcomb baptised
July 5 " Kezia Hill John Hills Daughter Bapti
26 I >an Vrnold son to Gideon and LucyArnold Baptised & Mary
Col 1 to Moses & Mary White Cole baptised
Aug 2 Jonathan Olmsted Stephen & Mercy Olmsteds son Ba]
also Mar) Wood Daughter to Jabez & Mary Wood bap- tised Sept 1 3 Joseph Freeman son to Moses & Susanna I rei tsed
20 Joshua Knowlton son to ind Abigail Knowlton bap-
tised August 1767 Elisha Samuel .V Sarah Mott sons & D Nathl &
Agnis Mott w< re Baptist d Nov 1 Darius Gates son of Stephen & Esther Gates was Baptised
Jany 3 1768 William n to Willm and Bette Norcot was Baptised
[0 William Corn well Goodri 1 Thomas & Esther Goodrich
was Baptised
21 Nathaniel Mott son to d Aeons Mott was Ba]
1768 Esther Alvord Daughter to Eliphaz & Esther Alvord Baptised " Allen Mill son to Daniel Hill Jr & Bathsheba his wife and Lo-
throp Shirtlief son to Lemuel <S: Grace Shirtlief and Lucy Hall Daughter to Abijah ..V Margaret Hall were Baptised
" Sarah Parmelee L>aughter to Bryan & Rebecca Parmelee bap- tised also Eunice Hall Parmelee Daughter of Jared (& Eunice) late deceased Parmelee Baptised
" Jerusha Cole Ebener lV Sarah Coles Daughter Baptised also Martha Freeman Sylvanus & Leah Freemans Daughter
" Jonathan Cowdrey son of Thomas Cowdrey Bapd also Eunice Clark Daughter of Nathl ..V Elisabeth Clark
" Sarah Acly Baptised Thomas Aclys Junr wife
" Margere Markham John & 1 >esire Markhams Daughter bap
" James & Isaac >_\: David Bailey the sons of Isaac & Elisabeth bailey Baptised
" Ichabod Solomon & Esther Bailey sons & Daughter to Solo- mon \ Dorothy Bailey Baptised also Jonathan Caswell son to Joseph l\; Lydia Caswell
" Mary Hall Daughter to Ebenezer & Abigail Hall was Baptised
" Erastus Bill son to James & Asenath bill was Baptised
" Levi Acly son to Thomas <.V Sarah Acly Lap
" Isaac Johnson son to Caleb & Mary Johnson & Ruhamah Cas- well Daughter to Joseph & Lydia Caswell were Baptised
" Asriel Hinckley son to John & Azubah Hinckley was baptised
Verte top 25)
Renewing & Coming to Full Communion
1764 Joshua bailey & Anne Bailey his wife were received to full
I lommunion
1765 Susanna Dewey Renewed her Covenant
" Patience Bailey and Huldah I larding were Reed to full Com- munion
" Sarah Clark made Confession for the sin of fornication and was accepted
" Thankful Niles was received to full Communion in this church also Ambrose «.Y Hannah Niles Renewed their Covenant
" Eliphaz Alvord eV Esther his wife were received to full Com- munion
1766 Mary Alvord Consert to Capt Jonathan Alvord was received
into full Communion in this Church
" Thomas Cowdrey and his wife Nathaniel Doane & Sarah
his wife Renewed their Covenant
" Jonathan Shirtlief ,V Abigail his wife Renewed their Covenant
" Bathsheba Hill was Received to full Comn
" John Norton Jun and Edey his wife were Reed to full Com- munion
Sept |
2S |
1766 |
22 |
I767 |
May |
3 |
•' |
June |
21 |
July |
26 |
" |
Mar |
IO |
r768 |
April |
3 |
" |
May |
15 22 |
,, |
(>7) Othniel Brainerd recommended from the 4th Chu in Mn and
receved with us to full ( '. Barnabas Niles Recommended from the Church of X at West-
chester and received at this John (lark Jr Reed to full Communion
Moses Cole Jun & Mary White Cole his wife & Mary Cun- ningham Reed to full Communion Nathaniel & Agnes Mott Renewed their Covenant fared Parmelee Renewed Covenant Israel Whitcomb Reed to Covenant by a Recommendation
from Marlboro Joseph Caswell & I ,ydia his wife were Reed to full Communion Recompense Bailey & Dorothy his wife Elisabeth the wife of Isaac Bailey iV Thomas Acly Junr with Sarah his wife all Renewed or rather Sarah Acly entered into Covenant June 12 Barnabas & Thankful Niles Recommended to the Church of
\ at Rumney July 3 " Ebenezer Hall and Abigail his wife were Reed to full Com- munion Aug 14 " James Johnson Jr & Sarah his wife & Deborah the wife of
John (lark 3rd were Reed to full communion Aug 2S Joshua Cook & Mary his wife were Reed to full Communion
( Verte /> 2gJ (18) Marriages
1764 Isaac Kneeland & Hannah Cook were married Othniel Brainerd «.\: Jerusha Kilbourn were married
" Eliphaz Alvord & Esther Hart were married
1765 Daniel Miller anil Susanna Bevin were married I nomas C 1\ and Sarah Luther were married
William Mihills and Sarah Stevens were married Jonathan Bailey & Experience Wood were married John Norton Jun and Edey (lark were married Capt Jonathan Alvord & Mary Brainerd were married Moses Cook 8 1 1 ('one were married
Titus Carrier Ov Mercy Cook were married
1766 Joseph Markham and Mehitabel Spencer were married Joseph Caswell & Lydia Harding were married
Sept 25 Moses Cole Ov Mary White Clark were married
('9) Thomas I I ill and Thankful Goffe were married Nathaniel Clark & Elisabeth Norton were married Aaron Hale Si Hannah Daniels were married [767 ] . were married
Samuel Wood & Sarah • lark were married
May |
23 |
June |
28 |
29 |
J any |
10 |
Feb |
1 1 |
May |
28 |
12 |
[9 |
\o\ |
21 |
Di 1 |
18 |
[9 |
6 |
July |
3 |
2 |
6 |
Mar |
April |
30 |
1767 Joseph White Ov Charity Lewis were; married " David Bailey & Jemima Daniels were married " David Caswell & Elisabeth Green were married " [ared Parmelee & Eunice Ilall married
" James fohnson Junr & Sarah (lark also John Johnson & Hannah Clark also William White and Elizabeth Love- land were married " Ralph Smith & Hannah Ilollister were married " Nathaniel Bosworth & Mary Smith were married also Nathan Lewis ami Naomi Aelv were married
1768 Edward Luther was married
" Ezra Acly & Sarah West were married
" Edward Purple and Mary Hodge were married
(20) 1 lEATHS
1764 Deceased Ellis Bailey the consort of Jonathan Bailey Etat 63
years 7 months " Deceased Samuel Hall son to Ebenezer & Mary Hall aged
2 years & 10 months and also Susanna Hall Daughter of
Ebenezer & Mary Ilall aged 4 years 11 months " Deceased Ruth Sears Daughter to Elkanah & Ruth Sears
Et 2 y 4 mos " Thomas Cowdrey Daughter deceased aged 1 hour
1765 Deceased John Hale Jun Etat 30 years " Deceased Jabez Clark Etat 47 y 9 mos
" Deceased Elihu Hall Infant son to Ebenezer & Mary Hall
1766 Capt Abijah ^v Margaret Halls Daughter still born
" Deceasd Phebe Cornwell daughter to Elisha and Anne Corn- well aged 10 vears 5 months Deceased Isaac Baileys Daughter aged 9 months " Deceased Anne Bailey Consort to David Bailey Etat " Deceased Leah Ereeman Daughter to Sylvanus and Leah Ereeman aged 2 years & 7 months
(21) " Deceased Daniel & Esther Mackalls child " Deceased Jeremiah Woods child Etat 4 mos " Deceased Thomas Cunningham by falling upon an ax cut
himself so yt his bowels Issued out & mortified " Deceased Elisabeth Cole Etat 25 y 7 m " Deceased Lothrop Shirt lief son to Lemuel and Grace Shirtlief
Et 3 years " Marcus & Phebe Coles son still born " Nathal & Merc) Keys child still born Deceased Joseph Whites wife Etat 63
1767 Deceased Mary Ilall Ebeneser Halls wife in the 32 year of
" 1 >eceased Philip 1 toffs wife
June Jul)
1 9 " Jany io 1768
3> |
May |
5 |
21 |
July |
19 |
Augst 7 |
2 2 |
14 |
|lllle |
8 |
July |
30 |
Nov |
16 |
17 |
Feb |
•4 |
Mar |
13 |
May |
1 1 |
U |
April |
2S |
May |
•5 |
24 |
25 |
28 |
June |
1 |
2 |
12 |
24 |
Aug! |
14 |
Joseph Smiths wife Etat 45 years & 4 months ile Etat ' " yi ised Lucretia Hinckl) Etat 20 months Deceased Man- Arnold Etat 2 years 4 months
unice Parmelee consort of Jared Parmelee I tal 17 \ . >nths
also Deceased Mary Purples son Etat 14 days
-I Joseph Cook Junr Etal 23 yrs with Consumption
(aa) tsed Vsa Tyler
Etat 79 y William & Elisabeth Whites Child still Born Deceased John N iles Etat 32 y
1 Moses Freeman Jr Etat 2 years & 10 months Decesed Phebe Acly Etat 24
Deceased Prince Freeman Etat 70 years 3 months Mil Gideon iV Lucy Arnolds son Et 2 days Nathaniel & Elisabeth (larks Daughter still born
sed Selden Cook Etat 20 months Oliver Beuels Daughter Deed Etat 1 month Samuel Hi isd
r Alvord sou of Eliphaz and Esther Alvord Decasd Etat 21 1 da) s Deceased Cybil Hail Etat 22 years Decased Elijah Clarks child Etat 13 months also Nathaniel & Elisabeth Clarks son still born Deed Elisabeth Clark Nathaniel ("lark Consort Etat 29 years 5 months
Rhoda daughter of Thomas & Margaret Doolittle Born Ezra & Sarah Aclys Daughter Morn
. I [annah Johnsons son Ainu 1 Bi 11 n
I & Mary Whitcomb son born Isaac
Susanna Deweys Daughter B
Edward ..N Mary Purple son Horn
John 1 lills son horn n Samuel
Jonathan & Patience Baileys sou Born name Submit
m & I ,ucy Arnolds son horn Caleb & Mary Johnsons son horn Mehitable Cook Born Da' of Zac & Mary Cook Thomas & Thankful Hills Daughter born Nathl & Elisabeth Clark Daugr still born Thomas Cowdreys Daughter Horn Hart Gates son of Nehemiah Si Anne Gates Born ( Hiver Brainerd son of < >thniel and Jerusha Brainerd was born Hiram Bosworth son of Nathaniel and Mary Bosworth was
Congregational church of east ha.aipton.
Sept |
29 |
Oct |
1 |
7 |
17 |
Nov |
17 |
Dec |
1 1 |
Jany |
1 17 |
4 |
2S |
Fein- |
18 |
2r |
24 |
March |
20 |
31 |
April |
4 |
May |
7 |
27 |
June |
H |
July |
4 |
Aug |
7 |
Sept |
15 |
Aug 28
Oct 2
Jany |
15 |
Feby |
12 |
26 |
Mar |
12 |
Jonah Gates son of Stephen and Esther Gates born Cynthia daughter to Moses & Susanna Freeman James Cole son to Moses & Mary White Cole Born ( (liver Beuells Daughter Born Nicholas E2osenkau.se son Horn
William ^V Elizabeth Whites son Horn and Stephen Knowl- tons Daughter was Born
Titus & Mer.cy Carriers son born
Recompense & Dorothy Baileys son born
Selden Cook son to Moses & Elisabeth Cook Born
Cole Daughter to Ebenezer and Sarah Cole was born
Daniel Mackalls child born
Benjamin & Rachel Kneelands Daughter Born Silvester son to Eliphaz & Esther Alvord was born Rowland l'ercivals Son Born
Selden Shurtlief son to Lemuel and Grace Shurtlief Born Jeremiah Woods Born
Hall son to Ebenezer and Abigail Hall born
Ebenezer Xorcot son to William & Bette Norcot born Hannah Daughter to Jos & Lydia Caswell born Samuel & Sarah Woods son born David .X: Jemima Baileys son born also Jonathan & Abigail Shurtliefs son born Norton Bill son to James & Asenath Bill Born Agnes Mott Daughter of Nathl & Agnes Mott Born Acly son of Stephen & Thankful Acly born
Isiah Cook son to Joshua & Mary Cook Baptised Amasa Johnson son to James Johnson Jr & Sarah Johnson & Increase Mosely Clark son to John Clark 3d and Deborah Clark & l.ucina Shepherd Daughter to Thomas & Mercy Shepherd were liaptised Rachel Sears Daughter to Elkanah and Ruth Sears & Elisa- beth Sears 1 laughter to Ebenezer Junr & Elisabeth Si << - were baptised Andrew Fuller son to John *.V Susanna Fuller was Baptised Susanna Rowley & Daniel Bailey son of Joshua & Anne Bailey & Huldah Harding Daughter of Ebenezer ..V Huldah Harding were Baptised Hannah Cook daughter to Elijah & Hannah Cook Baptised Lucinda Norton Daughter of John Norton Jr & Edey Norton
Baptised Marianne Smith Daughter of Ralph & Hannah Smith Baptised David Shirtlief son to Jonathan & Abigail Shurtlief Baptised also Leah freeman Daughter to Sylvanus & Leah free- man was Bapl tsed
J line |
4 |
ii |
iS |
22 |
July |
23 |
Augt |
20 |
Sept |
in |
(26) April 1 . , Enos Brown son to Samll & Elisabeth Brown Baptised
M.,v ,4 •• Mary& Mercy Carrier Daughters of Titus & Mercy Carrier and SeKlcn & Lydia Cook son & Daughter to .Moses ec Elizabeth Cook were Baptised Edward Purple son of Edward & Mary Purple Baptised Samuel Hills sou to John Hills baptised Harris Johnson son ol Caleb & Mary Johnson Baptised Submit Bailey son to Jon Jr & Patience Bailey Isaac VVhitcomb son to [srael 8 Mary Whitcomb and Mehit- able daughter to Zacs & Mary Cook & Elisabeth daugh- ■ ter to Isaac & Elisabeth bailey were baptised Hart Gates son of Nehemiah & Anne Gates Baptised Abner Johnson son of John & Hannah Johnson & Hiram Bos- worth son of Nathaniel & Mary Bosworth & Susanna Cowdrey daughter of Thomas Cowdrey were Baptised John, Joseph, Mary, Anna, Rachel, Reliance & Lydia Smith
sons and daughters of Joseph Smith Baptised Oliver Brainerd son of Othniel and Jerusha Brainerd Baptised Oct 1 " Rhoda Doolittle Daughter to Thomas & Margaret Doolittle baptised 8 " Jonah Gates son to S'ten & Esther Gates Baptised 15 " Stephen, John, Anne and Eunice Acly sons and daughters of Stephen & Thankful Acly also James Cole son to Moses and Mary White Cole
(27) \ " Mercy Johnson Widow baptised 10 " nam Knowlton Stephn ..V Abigail Knowltons Daughter Bap- tised 17 " Cynthia Freeman Daughter to Moses & Susanna Freeman Baptised 1770 Selden Cook son to Moses ^\ Elisabeth Cook was Baptised
John Carrier son of Titus & Mercy Carrier & Cole
Daughter to Ebenc/er & Sarah Cole was baptised Elihu Bailey son of Recompense and Dorothy Bailey & Syl- vester Alvord son to Eliphaz & Esther Alvd Baptised Selden Shirtlief son to Lemuel & ('.race Shirtlief baptised also
zer Norcot son to William & Bette Norcot Hannah Caswell I laughter to Joseph and Lydia Caswell Baptised
I ball son of Ebenezer & Abigail Hall Baptised Hannah Wood Daughter of Jonathan and Abiah Wood Bap-
July tj David bailey son to David and Jemima Bailey was Baptised
22 " Norton Bill son to James and Asenath bill Baptised 29 Asa Shurtliei son to Jonathan Si Abigail Shurtlief Baptised
Vug 12 " Agnes Mott Daughtei of Nathl & Agnes Motf Baptised
Jany |
14 |
4 |
Man |
I14 |
April |
May |
13 |
May |
20 |
[ulv |
8 |
Aug |
2'. |
Sept |
23 |
Oct |
15 |
Nov |
13 |
At a meeting of the sixth Church of Christ in Middletown at the house of the Revd Mr John Norton pastor of sd church
]~oti\l 1 that this Church will Choose a committee of five Brethren to join with the Pastor to hear such grievances as may fall out in the Church between Brother and brother or any of same that may be complained of to consider whether it be Censurable and if Censurable whether it is probable that it will be proved and if so if they cant heal the difficulty then to bring it to the Church. Voted in the affirmative
2 the vote being called for the Church Chose for their Com- mute Deacon Isaac Smith Deacn John Clark. Elisha Cornwell Josiah Cook Capt Abijah Hall
1770 Timothy Parmelee son to Bryan & Rebecca Parmelee Baptised " Elijah Acly son of Sten & Th Acly Baptised il Lavinia Cook Dau of Josha & Mary Cook baptised " Isaac Hinckly son of J & A Hinckly Abihu Acly son of Thos & Sarah Acly & John Clark son of John & Deborah Clark were Baptised Jany 3 1771 Asa Hill son to Daniel & Bathsheba Hill and Philena Free- man Daughter to Sylvanus & Leah Freeman Baptised Mar 15 " John Norton son to John & Edey Norton Baptised also Lois Alvord Daughter to Eliphaz and Esther Alvord Baptised 31 " Benjamin Sears son to Elkh «.\: Ruth Sears also Joseph Johnson son to James & Sarah Johnson were Baptised
(29) Sept 4 1768 Jemima Bailey Reed from Middle Haddam Church & Reed
in this Oct 3 " Jonathan Bailev & Susanna Rowley were Reed to Full Com- mit nnion Jany I 1769 Ralph and Hannah Smith Renewed their Covenant April 23 " Moses and Elisabeth Cook Edward Purple & Mary his wife Mercy wife of Titus Carrier & Mehitabel Clark were received to full Communion Nathaniel & Mary Bosworth Red Covenant Joseph Smith John Johnson and 1 lannah Johnson his wife
& Anne Norton were Reed to full Communion Stephen Acly & Thankful his wife renewed their Covenant Mercy Johnson Reed to Full Communion Widow Dunham Reed to Full Communion Thankful Hills the wife of Samuel Hills Received to full Communion
John Hills and his wife Simeon Wright & Rhoda his
wife were Reed to Full Communion
June 18 |
" |
Augs 13 |
* i |
Oct 3 |
" |
Dec 3 |
" |
June |
1770 |
July 31 |
1771 |
Augst 4 |
" |
Sept |
20. |
6 |
May |
3 |
May |
4 |
V |
22 |
Nov |
30 |
Jany |
4 |
Novr |
2 |
Jany |
'7 -1 |
Jany |
31 |
Feb |
28 |
Mar |
IO |
Sept 30 Oct 10
1771 [saac Kneeland & Hannah his wife Recommended from the irch in Marlborough and Received with us
1772 Stephen Knowiton & Joanna Strong receved to full Com- munion
11 E R C (Illegible)
1769 Amos Ranney and Rachel Hill married Simeon Wright & Rhoda Cook married Samll Higgins & Katharine Cunningham married
1770 Randall Shattuck and Comfort Tyler were married William Lord & Ruth Hodge were married
" Jared Parmelee t\: Susanna Olmsted were married
1771 Nathaniel Gernsey and Damaris Alvord were married
Cady & Hannah Wood were married
" Lemuel West iV Desire Markham were married " John Ward & Catharine Higgins were married
June 11 1771 Elizur Chapman & Dorothy Lord were married
Samuel Hills daughter born
1770 Randall & Comfort Shattucks Daughter Born I.avina Cook Daughter of Joshua & Mary Cook Born James & l'hillis Richs daughter Born Simeon & Rhoda Wrights Daughter Born [saac Hinckley son of John & Azubah Hinckley was born Abihu Acly son to Thomas & Sarah Acly was born
" John Clark son of John ..V Deborah Clark Born
1771 Ebenezer & Iluldah Hardings Daughter born 1'hilena Freeman Daughter to Sylvanus and Leah Freeman 6c
Asa 1 1 ill son to Daniel and Bathsheba Hill were born " Rufus Dewey Son Born " John Clark son Born " Klkh and Ruth Sears son born
John and Hannah Johnson son born
1 771 Eliphaz & Esther Alvords Daughter Born
James Gates son to Nehemiah & Anne Gates was Born
Elijah Clarks son born
Elijah -.V Hannah Cooks daughter born
Samuel Hodges son [chabod was born
Nathaniel and Mary Bosworths Daughter born
Nathan Rowleys Born
& Susanna Deweys son Horn
Israel Whitcombs Horn
ind Bette Baileys daughter born Man us & Phebe Coles son Horn Ralph and Hannah - Dauj titer born
Nov |
4 |
7 |
13 |
Jany |
10 |
24 |
Feb |
18 |
21 |
21 |
Mar |
30 |
March 4 |
April |
2 |
April |
10 |
13 |
20 |
27 |
28 |
zq |
May |
6 |
1 1 |
June |
25 |
July |
5 |
lulv |
26 |
May |
7 |
May |
12 |
June |
7 |
June |
9 |
June |
23 |
July |
21 |
Augt ' 9 1771 Ebenezer and Sarah Coles daughter Born Sept 17 " Barnabas and Anne Freemans Daughter liorn
April 7 1771 Elizabeth Harding Daughter of Ebenezer and Huldah Harding
Baptised 21 " Sylvester Fuller son to John and Susanna Fuller baptised 28 " Ichabod Hodge son to Saml Hodge and Eunice Cook Daugh- ter to Elijah and Hannah Cook was Baptised " Timothy Rowley baptised
" Mary Bosworth Daughter of Nathl & Mary B Baptised " James dates son of Neh & Anne Gates Baptised 1771 Rhoda Whitcomb Daughter of Israel cV M Whitcomb Baptised " Silena Bailey Daughter of Widow Pette Bailey baptised " Hannah Smith Daughter of Ralph and Hannah Smith Bap- tised 31 " Roxana and Adino daughter and son of Samuel and Thankful Hill were Baptised Aug 4 " Rhoda ( baptised)?
Jany 1 1772 Job Acly & Lydia Rowley married
" Isaac Smith & Jerusha Brooks were married
" Ezra Purple and Mary Penfield were Married
" Joseph Lord and Ruth Purple were married
1 77 1 Lemuel and Desire Wests daughter born
" Aaron Hosfords son Born
" Timothy Percivals child still Born
" Stephen & Abigail Knowltons Da born
" Elisha and Ann Cornwells son born
" Thomas and Esther Goodrich son born
" Hosenkause daughter born
" son born
1 771 Ira Parmelee son to Jared and Susanna Parmelee was Bap- tised
" Tamzen Cole daughter to Ebenezer anil Sarah Cole Baptised
& Flisha son Elisha and Anne Cornwell was Baptised
" Nana Knowlton, Stephen Knowltons daughter was Baptised
1772 Sarah Kneeland dau of I& H Kneeland Baptised (?) " Moses Cook son of Moses Cook Baptised " Asa Bailey son to Jon ,\ Patience Bailey Baptised " Sarah Shurtlief daughter to Lemuel ami ( '.rare Shurtlief
Jan 7 1772 Moses Cooks son born
21 " Isaac & Hannah Kneelands daughter born
30 " John and 1 .ois Johnsons daughter born
Mar 24 " Jon and Patience Baileys son Born
9 |
16 |
Sept |
5 |
Oct |
4 |
Oct |
30 |
Nov |
5 |
Nov |
28 |
Dec |
21 |
Dec |
25 |
27 |
Sept |
1 |
Nov |
10 |
10 |
Marc |
h 2 |
April |
3 |
April |
19 |
26 |
(Last page or , ■ . . Dec 25 1771 Samuel Hodge and Deborah Peters were married
Mar 13 1770 Deceased F 15 (illegible) Oec " Deceased Isaac & Bette Baileys daughter
,S 1771 Deo 1 1 I [ohn ' larl aged 91 years 7 months \l ,, ,- •■ Deceased John Norton son to John and Edy Norton Etat 14
da) s Mar 17 •• Deceased David Bailey son to David and Jemima Bailey I tal i) months
April S " Deceased Watrous Lazarus Watrous daughter Etat
23 " Nana Knowlton deceased etat 1 year 5 mos
1 (eceased Hodge Samuel Hodges wife
June 9 " Deceased Nehemiah Gates Etat 37 y July 23 " Deceased James Gates son of Widow Anne Gates Augt rs " Deed Jane Johnson Daughter of Ensign James & Jane John- son Etat 9 y 9 months Augt 21 " Lucretia Shepherd Daughter to Thomas & Mercy Shepherd
1 >ecsd etat 3 years 4 months Oct 26 " Decased Mercy Wood Etat iS Dec 18 •'